FBI Agents working in conjunction with officials from NCsoft’s North American business successfully closed down a computer game operation alleged to be reaping profits by providing a fraudulent service to its players.

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Sayha's White Mask for European Players

European Lineage II players can now obtain the rare head accessory known as Sayha's White Mask. This stunning white mask adorned with a golden band is now available with the purchase of the Chronicle 5 box.

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A Look at NCsoft Seoul

Studio E&G is busy getting ready for the first installment of The Chaotic Throne: Interlude. Kelly "Mistryl" Knox, Community Manager for Lineage II North America/Europe, Lampa Uv unghii gel to meet the team and get a quick sneak preview of Interlude.

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In Development

newThere are no server issues to report at this time.

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In The Press


GameZone Chats with Adam Davidson

GameZone chats with Lineage II North America producer Adam Davidson about all of the new features and additions in Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood.

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About.com Revisits Lineage II

About.com revisits Lineage II with a look at the new areas and features in Chronicle 5.

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Castle Siege Reports



Castle Siege Reports

The castle siege schedules and highlights are temporarily unavailable. Please visit the siege registration NPCs and the Castle Control maps for more information about the current castle status.

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Siege Highlights

Castle sieges took place on Saturday, 6/24 and Sunday, 6/25 on Bartz, Kain, Erica, Devianne, and Teon.

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